Our Partners

Regional Growth Partnership

We work directly with Regional Growth Partnership, our JobsOhio network partner, on business growth needs, business attraction initiatives, and in some cases, financial incentives.

Jobs Ohio

JobsOhio is a private, state economic development partner. Together, we help businesses and communities utilize state resources and incentives.

Ohio Department of Development
Ohio Department of Development

Ohio Department of Development is our state economic development public partner. Ask us about resources that may be available for established or expanding companies, or entrepreneurs launching a new business.

Putnam County Transportation Improvement District

The district supports road and transportation-related projects that directly impact job retention and job creation in Putnam County. The TID can consider priority projects and apply for ODOT funding during its annual application period. Projects may or may not be selected for funding.

Ohio Department of Transportation

ODOT’s Office of Jobs and Commerce engages with local economic development professionals and communities to provide transportation solutions and infrastructure investments that support job creation and retention.

Small Business Development Center

Putnam County is part of the Region 3 Ohio Small Business Development Center on the campus of Rhodes State College, Lima. The SBDC offers training and business consulting to first-time and emerging business owners at no cost to participants.

Center For Food Technology
Ohio Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Ohio Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Ohio Rail Commission
Ohio Rail Development Commission