Local Professionals Present at National Conference

Local Professionals Present at National Conference

“Small Towns as Master Planned Communities”

Cincinnati – CIC Director of Economic Development, Amy Sealts, was a co-presenter at the Congress for New Urbanism (CNU) national conference May 16. She joined fellow presenters Jeff Krouse, Krouse Design/Brick Street Studio; Gillian Stechschulte, Technicon Design Group and Dumont Revitalization LLC; Joe Nichol, Co-Founder of YARD & Co., and Ross Chapin, neighborhood planner/founder of pocket neighborhood development, Langley, WA.

It was an amazing experience being surrounded by creators and doers from across the U.S. Jointly, they presented “Small Towns as Master Planned Communities” based on their respective work. The local team shared development stories and successes from the Village of Ottawa’s strategic planning process, Go Ottawa. Jacqueline Langhals was, unfortunately, unable to attend.

CNU is a national non-profit focused on improving and creating resilient communities that people love, and engaging private citizens and public entities in exploring new opportunities for towns and cities.

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