Breakout Vision of the Year

Breakout Vision of the Year

When you’re named “Breakout Vision of the Year” in a state level competition, you know awesome things are about to happen! A new community-based STEAM Club will launch in Putnam County this spring, thanks to the vision of Mary Burgei. Burgei is a makerspace coordinator and Project Lead the Way stem lab teacher at Glandorf Elementary.

She won the prestigious Breakout Vision award and $5,000 in grants from United Methodist Foundation of West Ohio to start the new club.

Her application was supported by Riley Creek United Methodist Church and fellow educators. We met Mary in her classroom to hear the focus areas of the new STEAM club focusing on science, technology, engineering, art and math for students age preschool to 8th grade.

  1. Skill Development & technical skills: supporting students in creative activities that encourage problem-solving, divergent thinking and age-appropriate technical skills.
  2. Early Exposure to Career Paths: STEAM introduces elementary age students to careers at a young age.
  3. Fostering an Innovation Mindset: teaching students to think outside the box, experiment and explore new ideas and learn from failure.
  4. Encouraging Lifelong Learning: encouraging curiosity and zest for lifelong learning.

Burgei’s application competed against more than 150 entries from around Ohio including large organizations in Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton and Toledo. The community-based STEAM Club will be for all youth regardless of religious affiliation and will be based out of the fellowship hall at Riley United Methodist Church, Ottawa.

Breakout Vision of the Year

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